(253) 851-4025

Monday: 8am to 5pm
Tuesday: 8am to 3:30pm
Wednesday: 8am to 5pm
Thursday: 8am to 3:30pm
Friday: Closed

Skyline Dental Services

Skyline Cleaning & Prevention Services

Optimal Oral Health: Expert Dental Cleaning and Prevention in Skyline

A focus on preventive dentistry helps you maintain the highest standard of oral health while limiting dental expenditures. A partnership between you and our team pays dividends, protecting your smile now and well into the future.

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Skyline Teeth Cleaning Services

Effective Teeth Cleaning for Optimal Oral Health in Skyline

Everyone loves the smooth, glassy surface of freshly polished teeth. Our registered dental hygienists help you maintain optimal health, which goes far beyond polished enamel. With a regular preventive schedule, we can remove the bacterial deposits that lead to dental disease. But we can also monitor for silent problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease before they become major issues.

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Skyline Periodontal Therapy Services

Transformative Periodontal Therapy for a Healthier Smile in Skyline

Gum disease continues to be the leading cause of tooth loss in adults today. A devastating condition when left untreated, periodontitis doesn't have to write your story. But a strategic approach with focused treatment and home care is essential to control this chronic bacterial infection. Plus, this disease can aggravate other serious medical conditions that may seem unrelated to your mouth.

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Skyline Oral Cancer Screening Services

Guarding Smiles: Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment in Skyline

Every time you're in our chair, we review many aspects of your health. Subtle changes in the lining of your mouth call for a closer evaluation, regardless of whether you use tobacco or not. Early detection of oral cancer saves many lives every year, and we're trained to recognize a myriad of oral tissue abnormalities.

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Skyline Dental Sealants Services

Shielding Smiles: The Benefits of Dental Sealants in Skyline

Deep crevices run across the chewing surface of molars. Even though a toothbrush can skim across these surfaces, the narrow grooves trap bacteria beyond the bristles. Cavities may form without warning, destroying valuable tooth structure. Protecting the grooves with a bonded sealer might be worth exploring.

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Skyline Comfort Dentistry Services

Embracing Comfort Dentistry for a Relaxing Experience in Skyline

Many people feel anxious before and during dental procedures. It's okay to feel nervous or even fearful when anticipating an appointment. We understand that our patients aren't all the same, and we have great news: You can experience dental treatment in comfort with nitrous oxide commonly called laughing gas.

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Skyline Nitrous Oxide Services

Exploring the Benefits of Nitrous Oxide in Dentistry in Skyline

Nitrous oxide, an inhalation sedative, brings one of the safest and easiest sedation techniques to nearly any procedure. Patients from young to old may benefit from a dose obtained just by breathing in and out. Nitrous oxide wears off instantly so you don't need a companion to drive you home.  The relaxation it provides helps many anxious patients get the care they need everyday.

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Skyline Clear Correct Services

The Clearly Correct Solution for Invisible Orthodontics in Skyline

The benefits of orthodontic treatment are numerous from helping prevent gingival inflammation and cavities to the social and aesthetic benefits of straighter teeth. Clear Correct is an option for orthodontics without metal and wires and is essentially invisible.  At North Harbor Dentistry we are happy to offer our patients this valuable service.  

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Skyline Tooth Replacement Services

Complete Your Smile: Exploring Tooth Replacement Options in Skyline

Not many years ago, losing a tooth left you with few options for replacement. While permanent teeth should provide a lifetime of function, it doesn't always end up that way. They may be lost from an accident, deep cavities, or gum disease. And since teeth start as a full set, even one missing tooth may disrupt the complex function of chewing, the first step in digestion. As teeth slowly lean and migrate into extra spaces, wear and cracking from excessive forces often create escalating problems.

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Skyline Dental Implants Services

The Transformative Power of Dental Implants in Skyline

Replacing missing teeth with implants brings your mouth back to full function and well-being. Implants are the most conservative tooth replacement option as they do not affect the adjacent teeth in your mouth.  Single crowns or complex bridges can be supported by implants, with solutions for every scenario. You can expect a beautiful, functional new tooth from a dental implant.

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Skyline Porcelain Bridges Services

The Elegance and Functionality of Porcelain Bridges in Skyline

Dental bridges have traditionally been a top choice for replacing missing teeth. With the widespread use of dental implants, more options are now available to bridge gaps in your smile. For some patients with time and anatomic limitations for which implants are not an option, dental bridges are still a valuable option for tooth replacement that are esthetic and natural in appearance.

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Skyline Full/Partial Dentures Services

The Versatility of Full and Partial Dentures in Skyline

Sometimes a removable appliance is the best way to replace missing teeth. Whether a partial denture or a complete denture would restore your mouth to more optimal function and appearance, there's a design that will work for you. Dental implants frequently combine with dentures for unprecedented stability and confidence.

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Skyline Extraction, Preservation & Bone Grafting Services

Prepare your tooth for an implant with bone-grafting in Skyline

While we focus on helping you maintain your teeth for a lifetime, sometimes certain teeth need to be removed. Wisdom teeth, extra teeth, or very crowded teeth present situations that may mean treatment involving removal. In some cases, severely decayed or cracked teeth, or those missing large amounts of supporting bone leave extraction as the only viable option.

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Skyline Tooth Extractions Services

Easing Discomfort, Restoring Comfort: A Gentle Approach to Tooth Extractions in Skyline

Despite the best intentions, teeth sometimes need to be removed. Regardless of the situation, this minor surgical procedure can be brought together in a way that considers your short and long-term concerns. From anxiety control to planning for tooth replacement, we'll factor in every aspect of your case.

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Skyline Oral Surgery Services

Precision and Care: Navigating Oral Surgery with Confidence in Skyline

Minor surgical procedures sometimes help treat problems in your mouth. Defects in the bone or compromised supporting gum tissue may sometimes undergo repair with precise surgical techniques. And quick biopsy techniques can help us learn what's behind changes in the lining of your mouth.

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Skyline Root Canals Services

Preserving Smiles: The Expertise of Root Canal Therapy in Skyline

While many patients are concerned about root canals, modern techniques often make this procedure as quick and simple as any other procedure. Infected teeth in danger of removal can be disinfected and filled with a sealer, leaving a safe solution for problematic situations.

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Skyline Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Elevate Your Smile: The Artistry of Cosmetic Dentistry in Skyline

Transform your smile into a work of art with our comprehensive cosmetic dentistry services. Our skilled team combines science and aesthetics to enhance the natural beauty of your teeth, creating a radiant and confident smile that reflects your unique personality.

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Skyline Porcelain Veneers Services

Revitalize Your Smile: The Artistry of Porcelain Veneers in Skyline

Veneers provide an artist's touch to your smile. Custom-crafted, these ultra-thin porcelain creations work in magical ways. Regardless of your vision for your smile, chances are veneers offer an answer. When today's modern materials meet our passion for cosmetic excellence, you'll be amazed at what you see smiling back at you in the mirror.

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Skyline Botox Treatment Services

Rejuvenate Your Radiance: Botox Treatment for a Youthful Glow in Skyline

Many patients suffer from tempromandibular joint disorder which manifests in many ways.  Sometimes patients have problems from the joint itself, however the majority of TMD symptoms are caused by the muscles that allow our jaw to close.  By injecting botox into the masseter and frontalis muscle groups we can help to eliminate pain associated with clenching and grinding, and some migraine headache symptoms. 

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Skyline Composite Fillings Services

Seamless Smiles: The Artistry of Composite Fillings in Skyline

Cavities, chips, and fractures occur on any tooth surface throughout the mouth. Composite filling material provides a versatile solution to many common problems. Blended into a prepared area, the composite polishes to a smooth, undetectable surface. Composite fillings are a conservative and highly esthetic option.

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Skyline Teeth Whitening Services

Illuminate Your Smile: The Brilliance of Teeth Whitening in Skyline

Nothing boosts your confidence like a terrific smile. But when yellow stain dims the brilliance, it's time to give it a lift. In office or at home professional whitening systems provide the ultimate in whitening results, quickly removing years of discoloration with quality controlled materials with less sensitivity.

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Skyline Porcelain Crowns Services

Crowning Glory: The Perfection of Porcelain Crowns in Skyline

Damaged teeth might seem hopeless, but there's often still a solid foundation that leaves you with options. A crown, or cap, can bring a compromised tooth back to full function. And with modern porcelains, you'll probably have a difficult time trying to find where the crown ends and the tooth starts.

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Skyline Gum Contouring Services

Sculpting Smiles: The Artistry of Gum Contouring in Skyline

Your gums form a flowing framework around your teeth providing support and esthetic value. Sometimes a little gentle recontouring of the gum line bring a nice boost to your smile. Plus, properly shaped gums contribute to a healthy environment that supports your overall dental health.

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Skyline Dental Onlays Services

Preserve your tooth's structure with a partial crown in Skyline

Teeth rarely fracture in a perfectly predictable way. Sometimes a break is too big for a filling, but not big enough for a crown. Porcelain onlays provide an excellent solution for teeth that need extra reinforcement without being covered entirely. Bonded into a place, they provide years of natural feel, function, and esthetics.

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Skyline Oral Appliances Services

Precision for Comfort: Navigating Oral Appliances with Expertise in Skyline

One of our goals is to provide the most conservative treatment possible in every situation. Oral appliances offer simple, non-invasive care for a variety of conditions. Regardless of the application, every appliance we prescribe is custom-crafted for you with excellent fit and function.

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Skyline Night Guards Services

Restful Nights, Radiant Days: Night Guards for Peaceful Sleep in Skyline

Teeth are the hardest substance in our bodies and can withstand a tremendous amount of force. But damage can occur to this highly mineralized surface, especially when grinding forces start to wear it away. A habit of nighttime clenching or grinding will harm teeth, muscles, and jaw joints over time. Protecting against abrasive forces is critical in these cases.

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Skyline Home Care Services

Dental Wellness in Your Hands: DIY Home Care Solutions in Skyline

Optimal dental health results from a healthy partnership between you and us. While we can provide critical support, your efforts every day make all the difference. And with the unlimited number of product resources available today, we can help you customize a protocol that works perfectly for your dental condition.

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Skyline Sports Guards Services

Guarding Victory: Sports Guards for Smile Protection in Skyline

At North Harbor Dentistry we believe in leading healthy, active lives which may cause accidents that damage our teeth.  To help prevent and protect your teeth, we can easily take an impression to make you a custom mouth guard designed for your active lifestyle.  In fact, we take pride in supporting nearby sports teams at Peninsula High School by making them complimentary guards.  

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Skyline Family Services Services

Comprehensive Dental Care for the Whole Family in Skyline

Our team loves helping kids grow into healthy adults. At either end of the age spectrum, the bases are covered. Drs. Matt & Justine Priess know that early experiences influence the value kid's place on their oral health as adults. And they choose to seek or avoid future care by how they're treated now. Rest assured, the bar sits high here.

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Skyline Children's Dentistry Services

Joyful Smiles, Gentle Care: Children's Dentistry Redefined in Skyline

Helping our youngest patients grow into healthy young adults is a highlight for our team. We welcome children of all ages and at a happy visit even babies can become familiar with our office so that it is a positive place.  Children undergo constant growth and development that present special challenges for an optimal outcome. And childhood tooth decay can create a lifetime of problems often avoided with an early preventive plan.

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Skyline Teen's Dentistry Services

Navigating Adolescence with Confident Smiles in Skyline

Parents know that teen years present unique challenges. When it comes to dental health, rapid changes influence adolescents moving into adulthood. Cavity activity can suddenly accelerate with more independence in food and drink habits. Concurrently, oral hygiene activity sometimes becomes inconsistent especially with braces. A good partnership with our team can set your teen up for a lifetime of benefits.

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Skyline Adult's Dentistry Services

Elevating Adult Smiles: Comprehensive Dentistry for a Lifetime of Oral Wellness in Skyline

Sometimes dental problems follow otherwise healthy people through life. Understanding the causes behind dental disease can eliminate the frustration that builds as teeth deteriorate and gum tissue becomes inflamed. Creating a customized preventive routine can leave you looking forward to the good news at your dental visits.

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Skyline Ortho Screenings Services

Smile Alignment Insights: Orthodontic Screenings for Confident Grins in Skyline

Braces offer benefits at many different stages of life. Identifying problems at an early age often allows ideal timing in orthodontic treatment, resulting in a perfect outcome. Monitoring growth and development at your child's regular preventive visits is just part of our commitment to your family's dental health.

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